Goal Setting 101


A goal without a plan is just a wish! In last week's email about motivation we talked about setting a goal. Sometimes we can get stagnant or feel unmotivated because we need a goal. Goal setting is essential to long term fitness success. But what goal should we set and how do we go about setting it? Let's talk goal setting 101!

1. Start now

You do not need to wait for a New Year, a new month or even a new week to set that goal. Start now!!

2. Define what you want

Get specific! Get that yellow notepad out and write it down. See it. 

3. Make your goals M.A.T 

  • Measurable: Whether that means weighing yourself, testing your body fat, or doing some kind of assessment/evaluation. Keep a journal as a record of everything you’re doing to achieve your goal. It may sound tedious but the path to success should be both fun and challenging at times, and you need a way to measure success as you achieve it.

  • Achievable: Set a realistic goal for yourself. Don’t pick something that is out of this world straight out of the gates. Start small. Crush one goal and set another. Then another. 

  • Timed: Goals are dreams with a deadline. Set a specific and realistic time to hit them.

4. Make Sacrifices

Life is going to get in the way. It always does. Sometimes you will have to push back and make some hard choices to reach that goal. What can you do day to day to achieve your goal and what are you willing to give up right now to make it easier?

5. Make your goal public

Once you’ve set that goal, tell other people what you are working on. It not only holds you accountable but maybe someone else will also want to work on that same goal and it always helps to have a buddy! 

6. Take Action Everyday

You don’t have to accomplish that goal overnight. But taking action towards that goal every single day will lead you to crushing that goal eventually. Slow and steady action will lead you down the path of achievement. It is the small daily steps that will create the momentum needed to ignite the drive in your mind and body.

7. Envision your goal

When things get tough or you want to quit, even for a short while, remember why you want to achieve the goal in the first place. Imagine yourself achieving the goal and the satisfaction you will feel. That will help you through the inevitable tough times in your journey.

Tomorrow is a new, fresh week, let's set some goals together. DM me or comment on my recent post with what goal you are setting - make it public and start working! I know you have it in you and I am here cheering you on!!

HealthAnne Craig