FAQ's on Fitness

Anyone who’s started a new fitness routine has begun with at least a question or two. Let’s answer the top 7 most asked questions here.

Do I need to workout every day?

No, I provide 5-6 workouts a week. However, if new to the program or unable to commit that much time I do recommend 2-3 days a week. Movement is Movement. Spend time playing with your kids, walking to the park, bike rides, house work and yard work all count. The overall goal for each day would be to spend more time standing than sitting. 

How long should I workout for?

 The workouts in my program are 30-60 minutes. Home workouts tend to move quicker with the simplicity of equipment. In general, workouts do not need to be long to be effective. The length of your workouts will largely depend on your fitness level, as well as the training and intensity level. The CDC recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity 5 days a week. 

How much cardio do I need to be doing?

All the cardio I recommend is written in the programming. However additional LISS is encouraged but not required. Low Intensity Steady State Cardio will aid in muscle recovery and reduce soreness, aids in fat burning and fat loss, appropriate for all levels, and builds endurance. 

How much weight should I be using?

The amount of weight you should lift is entirely dependent on your fitness level and fitness goal. People also wonder if they should lift weights for higher reps or lift heavier weights for lower reps? As a standard:
If your goal is to build strength you should train around 4-6 reps per set
If your goal is to build muscle size, train around 7-12 reps per set
If your goal is endurance, train around 12-15+ reps per set

However all of this is irrelevant if you are NOT working to failure. The actual weight doesn't matter, it's the stimulus your muscles receive from the workload that matters. You must progressively overload your muscles with new stimuli over time. 

What can I do about muscle soreness?

When it comes to muscle soreness, it can be a nice little reminder of how hard you worked or it can be debilitating and completely squash your routine. A few things will help you recover the best: 1. Nutrition, eating enough food to fuel the “damage” done from your workout. Protein and carbs within 2 hours post workout is my favorite. 2. Sleep! This is essential! Your muscles work just as hard to repair during your rest. 3. Hydrate, I really enjoy a hydration (electrolyte) blend each day. The minerals in these blends are great for aiding recovery. 4. Cold exposure and lastly 5. Pain relievers 

How long does it take to see results?

One year. Yes that’s right! ONE YEAR. However, you may notice changes such as energy, strength, mood or even muscle definition as early as 6-8 weeks. But the larger, physical goals are closer to 6-9 months. Your results are a direct reflection of your efforts. A few other ways to track your progress are: photos, increasing weight or increasing reps or fit of your clothing. 

What should I be eating to help aid my fitness goals?

Your diet plays an important role in the overall success of your fitness routine. Regardless of your goals, it’s important to give your body the fuel and energy it needs as well as reach your physical goals. Let us help you!
Here at ACF we have numerous Nutritional offerings such as Macro counts, Guide books and 1X1 Coaching. 

Anne Craigfitness, goals, health