Are You Struggling with the Current Crowds at the Gym?
January is known to be the busiest time for many gyms, I am confident in saying, you’ve noticed this. Are you struggling with the current crowds? Don’t let the extra bodies and the extra wait for the weights slow you down. Navigating a crowd in the gym can be a little tricky. Try these five tips for getting your workout in:
1. Bring a buddy #sweatsisters: This is probably the most comfortable way to manage a busy gym. You can tag team equipment by switching back and forth. Training with a partner can help keep your training efficient in a busy gym.
2. Having a plan Showing up to the gym with a clear plan can help eliminate stress and anxiety, while also helping you feel more prepared and efficient. Be prepared with a Plan B! Know the modifications for muscle groups and movements and be ready to take an alternative route if needed. Bodyweight is always a great option.
3. Don’t be afraid to share: There is nothing wrong with kindly asking someone if you can share the piece of equipment with them and hop in on a set when they rest. That’s great gym etiquette. It’s always worth asking, what’s the worst that could happen? They say no . . .
4. Stay put: It can be intimidating trying to navigate a busy gym. Staying in one spot can be a time saver and keeps you from having to wait on others for machines or equipment. My Home workouts use less equipment and take less time. Give them a try!
5. Walk it out: I’ve been the person to walk into a gym, see how busy it is, and walk back out. Instead hop on the treadmill and wait it out. You’ll either end up with a good cardio session or chances are when you check back in 20 minutes it may be more manageable.